Solea® Laser Technology

APD is happy to provide Solea® laser technology in our office. Solea is virtually pain free, vibrationless, and noiseless. No shot. No drill. No fear. 

Since its introduction in 2013, the Solea CO2 all-tissue laser has made anesthesia-free treatment possible for many dental procedures. Since our goal is to provide the best treatment while keeping your child comfortable, we consider this a pretty big deal.

What is Solea®?

Solea® is an advanced dental laser technology that is virtually replacing traditional hand tools used in the dental office. Developed in Boston, Massachusetts by Convergent Dental, Solea® can accommodate patients of all ages (including infants and children) and procedures of all kinds—without the need for anesthetic in most cases.

Solea® works so quickly, that most procedures can be completed in just minutes and often times, in just one visit. It is also far less invasive than using a traditional hand tool, which makes healing time following a procedure much shorter. For a kid, that’s great news! Not only does that mean less time in the chair, it means getting back to doing the things they love faster than ever before. The experience is so unique that your child will find it hard to believe they were just at a dental appointment.

Learn more about Solea® by Convergent Dental.